March 12, 2025

What are the 5 ‘P’s of Event Marketing?


Event marketing allows face to face interaction between the brands and their audience. Since it is a profession about organizing meetings, it is also a great deal of marketing effort. In event marketing only possible products are the events and it is important to know the essentials of selling your product. Event organization has no meaning without the correct and required marketing . Not all the event organizers are good at marketing. These are very essential skills that should be possessed by any event organizer to be professional.

Here let us discuss the 5 essential P’s of the event marketing :

1) Product

To be a successful event marketer you first need to make the student aware of the minute details of the product. Products can vary from an educational conference to a country fair, conventions, reunion, lunch.  You can get this information from the event sponsor. Necessary information can include the history of the event . The celebratory essence of the events like ” THE GOLDEN JUBILEE CONFERENCE” will attract many participants because it shows the success and experience of the company. Another technique is to show the value of the product. It can be done by promising the increase in productivity, profitability or letting them know how they are going to enjoy by attending the event. 

2) Price

For a marketing organizer, it is very important to know about the financial goals of the sponsoring party. After it, the important thing is competition’s pricing pattern. Like how other similar products are being sold? At what price?. The next important thing about price is the demand of the product and economic factors like the health of the economy in the region. For a good marketing price plays a very important role and can easily attract the public According to the needs of the sponsoring party.

3) Place

It is very important for a marketing organizer to consider the location of the event. The location should match exactly the event in order to develop attractiveness to people or vice versa. A common example is an educational conference held at an airport in which the location doesn’t match the subject of the conference and there is a contrast between the subject of the conference and the location. Therefore it won’t attract the public. The place selected for the event should be marketed for important element like

  • Ease of travel for the attendees
  • Parking availability for the attendees
  • Safety and security of the attendees
  • Necessary Transportation for the attendees
  •  Availability of additional space like for sleeping or meeting rooms.

4) Public Relations

For an event marketing agency, public relations are a major part of its marketing approach. You can sell anything if you have strong public relations. These are long-lasting marketing strategies for events to be very successful . For that you need to be a professional in your field. Effectiveness in this regard is very necessary and can only be achieved through vast skill and a unique approach. You should respect people’s opinions and make sure that your message is being delivered exactly as it should be. The credibility and positive response can be achieved through public relations and are very necessary for any product to make its place in the market. However, dealing with the public is not an easy task and requires a vast experience for any marketing organizer.

5) Positioning 

Proper positioning is an important factor in event marketing. Without a solid plan no event can be sold. Positioning is actually the determination of the areas of the consumer which can be fulfilled by the product. For this proper research as well as studying competitor’s approaches is also very necessary. Like what they are offering to their attendees and how many attendees are they attracting,which areas are they trying to fulfill and how our event can reach attendees’ minds more than the competitors. For this purpose it is very necessary to study the interest of the people. It should also keep them attentive towards its goal as people forget about these events very quickly due to the hustle of daily life. So it should keep reminding them about its goals from time to time. Positioning strategy also includes to study the financial flexibility of the audience and should meet them. This can be used to correctly place your event like some events have no admission fee which attracts the public with less financial flexibility and on the other hand there are some events in which the fee is kept very high in order to attract only a specific community of people.

Blog Article sent by Scott Landel



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