Metra Group has recently entered an Agreement of Value-Added Partnership with – an Indian company pioneering in machine learning (ML) powered cognitive analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) technological software platform for heterogenous infrastructures such as Smart Cities, NextGen Data Centres, Smart Districts/Buildings and Healthcare facility infra.

The emerging promising sector of infrastructure operations, smart cities, IoT enabled cognitive infrastructure area is globally estimated to be over 160 billion dollars market and is expected to grow with a CAGR of over 10% year over year to cross 600 billion dollars by the year of 2032.
For better optimization of the infrastructure operations, management, sustainability measurements and proactive actions, for infrastructure administrators, it is important to use the power of data intelligence and decipher the hidden patterns of problem areas, forecasting and prediction to take the appropriate anticipatory actions with utmost accuracy.
Dr. Chinmay Hegde – Founder and CEO of, who was present at the occasion explained about how the global diaspora of cognitive intelligence with the power of Gen-AI is helping the smart cities to become smart and cognitive urban spaces enriched with disparate data hubs. He also cautioned on the risk of data and information overload and further explained about how platforms make sense of such large set of data and provide the pointed/condensed Generative-AI based decision support to the cities/infra-administration to deliver the comprehensive value to the end beneficiaries/citizens, while complying with the Sustainable Development Goals.

Mr. Adib Rajji, VP Vendor Strategy and Business Development of Metra Group spoke about the emerging GCC market demands for Smart Cities and Smart Districts powered with urban analytics and city data cloud and stressed upon the need of technologies that can deliver the better livability, environmental sustainability, safety, and security indices to the citizens/beneficiaries with cutting down operational lapses with effective machine generated recommendations.
Furthermore, he also elaborated about the key value proposition of this partnership and how it is unique in its own nature to make the difference.