Often times we are challenged to attain great ideas, inner mental strength, and phenomenal success. The reason is that we unconsciously run our minds on autopilot, outdated software handed by our ancestors or parents. Hence acknowledging we are deemed to remain this way we can rewire our brain circuits for adaptability and change.
Question is how we conquer the europhric mystical treasures of phenomenal success lying hidden in our minds?
Driving our future to realms of success and becoming magnetic charismatic leaders. Daring to achieve the unimaginable, pursuing our ultimate skills, and passion, which is void of failure.
Similarly, I can question how people recover fully from cancer or terminal diseases. Candidates released from jails to become presidents. Reversing the aging process, rising from poverty to richness, and defying their faulty genes. All this is damn possible and has been proven time and again. The only difference was they tapped/unlocked their brain chemicals. We need to transform into our authentic selves and break the chains of normal mediocrity to unprecedented unimaginable visions of success. How never to be victims of the past and live in the present moment. We don’t be lucky we make lucky. You don’t receive a readymade diamond it undergoes several treatments/layers skin deep.
In reality we all are intuitive leaders who should follow our gut, but many don’t dare express their truest raw organic version. What impact does a genius brain make on itself or the environment if it’s never tapped and makes its way to the grave?
Fascinating higher intelligence needs to be discovered, unlimited supernatural phenomena occur especially when we meditate recircuit our brain waves to connect to a higher dimension, and put our frequency in the open field universe to attract to us eventually.
This has been a ritual for great explorers before centuries like Edison, Einstein, Beethoven, Carl Jung, and Stephen king. Some of the greatest inventions came to them from connecting to a higher dimension by vibrating their brain waves to achieve their aspirations.
In that state we are nobody; no father, no son, no employer, we detach ourselves is when we connect and become an unlimited being. It’s interesting to note that only positive vibes travel and negative energy is contained, it doesn’t transcend outside the body.
Authentically believe that we are worthy of the life of magic by aligning our highest expression within mind body and soul in complete resonance and search truest vision and see it unfold to reality; i.e connecting the dots.
If you are irritated by every rub than how can you be polished…. Rumi
Another aspect is to hack the happy hormones HH ,train the mind to be drunk in high ecstasy .Once this habit becomes the norm it’s easier to practice untap your energy. Also to note that there needs to be an equilibrium between HH e.g if we get too much sleep our body produces extra melatonin which slows the brain waves and body out of balance and can eventually lead to depression. It’s opposite of serotonin which is made by going in the sun/accomplishing tasks etc.
Another challenge is some people resort to drugs, pills short , cuts to attain the high. The real deal is to work, make conscious effort to attain HH, like physically exercising, not eating junk food etc to design a healthy lifestyle to be on a natural high.
Build your roots to develop your wings to fly. (Quote by myself)
Often many times we don’t let go of our imposter syndrome of unworthiness or deficient personality. As we age we love repeating the same activities like taking the same route, waking up from the same side of the bed etc. Instead we need to raise the bar each time inorder to achieve new higher results. Greatness cannot be achieved by old habits.
Need to believe that we are worth the effort, time, energy to grow to unsustainable heights, be focused driven and diligently reach our destiny by continuing never to give up on ourselves no matter how big the roadblocks. We need to be mentally bullet proof, once we understand our power we operate different.
The million-dollar question is HOW. Essentially we should have these core beliefs:
Pie is big enough for everyone
Feeling of receiving and being in abundance gratitude mindset
Always know it’s better to be in a state of giving than receiving
Nothing is impossible
We all are unique but should operate leadership in empowering each other not dissembling
Setting manageable goals
Don’t strive perfection or down talk to ourself
Write down everything, recognize accomplishments, don’t seek validation from others, be your own cheerleader
Seek assistance from correct people and surround yourself with higher capable individuals
To Block distractions. Like they say you never stop driving your Bugatti with a fly on the windshield.
Find time to meditate, exercise, learn and unlearn to creative methods and always compete with ourselves never with others to grow beyond. Set challenging bars otherwise we can never attain higher goals with the same habits and mindset.
We all have subconscious which is the engine of our body and we need to radically awaken to become conscious. Strive to be in a constant state of evolving, to raise our vibration and never believe we have acquired all knowledge as that’s the end to growth.
Your task is not to seek for love but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. Rumi
Blog By Sameera Khurram
MBA HR, EYFS cache 3 practitioner. Worked at Unilever. Content writer, Faculty in mgmt.Entrepreneur family concern Absolute developers.