March 12, 2025

IsDBI Unveils New Brand Identity


The Islamic Development Bank Institute (IsDBI) has unveiled a new brand identity, following the expansion of the Institute’s mandate as the knowledge beacon of the IsDB Group.

Previously known as the Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI), the Institute was restructured and renamed as IsDB Institute in 2021, after four decades of pioneering contributions to the development of the Islamic financial industry.

The Institute maintained a leading role in the field of Islamic economics and finance over the past four decades, with immense successes in fostering awareness, human capital development, and innovative products.

IsDBI has emerged as a successor to IRTI, with a mission to build on the remarkable past by charting a future in which knowledge forms the core of innovative solutions to the contemporary development challenges.

In his comments on this occasion, Dr. Muhammad Al Jasser, IsDB President and Chairman of IsDBI Board of Trustees, said: “The IsDB Group has been implementing significant reforms to emphasize leveraging technology to address the enormous development challenges facing our member countries.

“Within the context of these reforms, the Institute has been rebranded in order to align it with the IsDB’s emerging priorities, and to enable it effectively to lead innovative knowledge-based solutions for sustainable development,” he stated.

Dr. Sami Al-Suwailem, Acting Director General of IsDBI and Chief Economist, said, “The Institute has been a leader for 40 years in Islamic economics research and capacity development. The Institute will capitalize on the accumulated intellectual capital and collaborate with leading industry stakeholders to innovate knowledge-based solutions for the challenges facing our member countries.”

In light of its new mandate, the IsDB Institute serves as the knowledge beacon with the responsibility to provide thought leadership, conduct pioneering research on development challenges, innovate knowledge solutions for sustainable development, build future knowledge leaders, and lead initiatives for enabling ecosystems for Islamic economics and finance.




  • Asialink Finance


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