March 10, 2025

Fuel Me alliances with ValvTect for ordering simplified Marine Fuel


Fuel Me announces an alliance with Valvtect for ordering out simplified Marine Fuel with the aid of Fuel Me’s a cloud-backed technology platform. This technology platform is utilized to simplify and automate the fuel procurement and management process. 

Fuel Me’s portal and mobile application empowers out the clients to place orders, track their deliveries, and manage their fuel invoices and payments, all at their fingertips.

Fuel Me already specializes in the On-road and off-road diesel markets, and is currently progressing in the marine arena as well, wherein it can offer the boaters, commercial fleets, and private yachts with an easy-to-utilize fuel ordering platform aided in by the highest quality fuel merchandize.

Hence the firm had announced to partner up with the ValvTect, an industry’s major supplier of High-Performance Diesel, High-Performance Winterized Diesel, Heating Oil, and Gasoline Additives.

ValvTect already possesses a robust presence in the marine arena, supplying the ValvTect Marine Gasoline and ValvTect Marine Diesel specifically formulated for marine engines. ValvTect marine-grade fuels are available at over 800 marinas and supplied by 95 certified and authorized distributors throughout the nation.

As per the firms’ reports, the joint Fuel Me/ValvTect partnership will encourage marine fuel customers to skip the phone calls, emails, and long lines that make refueling a heavy process and, instead, utilize Fuel Me’s platform to select their re-fueling asset, ValvTect Marine-blended product, the time, and location for service. 

The Fuel Me portal will then automate the fuel delivery process, leaving antiquated order and delivery practices in the past. The Fuel Me/ValvTect clients will be able to track their order in real-time, as the order moves from “pending”, to “in progress”, to “delivered.” 

Fuel pricing will be transparent, invoicing will be automated, and the fuel delivered will be of the highest quality.




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